Greetings to all,
After the high interest and demand of students, the LSMIF committee decided to run a second introductory event on the 3rd November at 11:30am at MB0302.
Here’s what you can expect:
Introduction to LSMIF: Learn about the fund and missions and how it benefits you in your future career.
Recruitment Process: Detailed insights into our recruitment process.
Reputation: Join the elite group of 40 University students selected to serve as representatives for the fund, both within and beyond the campus, participating in conferences and competitions.
Objectives: Discover our investment strategies and objectives for the upcoming year. Understand how you can contribute and grow with us.
Meet the Management Team: Get to know our current members and the management team ask questions and connect with like-minded peers.
Q&A Session: Have your queries answered and gain insights into the world of student-managed investment funds.
Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and gain experience with fellow students interested in finance and investments.
For any inquiries, please contact or send a message on Discord chat!
IMPORTANT! If you cannot attend this event, please feel free to join our Discord chat and be in touch about our recruitment and application process, events, etc.
We look forward to welcoming you to our LSMIF community and embarking on a rewarding investment journey together. See you on the 3rd!
Yours sincerely,
Athanasios Tsanaktsidis
Lincoln Student Managed Investment Fund

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