Hello All,

This is the first issue of the new LSMIF newsletter. Please share with your friends and family and message in the Discord to participate and share a story!

Current News and Affairs:

  • The FTSE 100 hits a record high!! Peaking at over 8000! Although a recession seems to loom, the market seems to be bouncing back and this may have to do with the new CPI information that has been released.
  • UK inflation (Consumer Price Index – CPI) records in at 10.1%, down 0.4% from 10.5% in December 2022. This is good news for the market and consumers but this reduction indicates that peak interest rate rises are not in yet!
  • Tech stocks are back! Stocks like Microsoft, Meta, Alphabet A and so on, are back booming after recent layoffs in Silicon Valley as companies and consumers react to the slight cooling of US Inflation.
  • The FED may have to keep interest rates higher for longer than previously expected, and even with this consideration raised, the S&P 500 is still performing relatively well YTD.
  • Centrica profits soar to a record high of £3.3bn! This marks a +5% move in reflection of this news.

Fund News:

First ERR on 22nd Feb. This marks the first purchases and rebalancing of the portfolio marking a new stage of the fund.

In terms of Management’s timeline and plan for the fund, we have achieved a lot together compared to last year. We have incorporated new communication strategies, remodelled training and feedback for tasks, and created a more democratic style for decision making and portfolio decisions.

Member Testimony:

“Being involved in the LSMIF has been a unique experience so far. The LSMIF management team provided guidance and support to complete all training tasks and the final Equity Research Report. Since I learned how to read and analyse financial data, I was confident about managing time and information effectively.

The past four months, I had the chance to work on Lloyds Banking Group PLC profile, while I discovered the macroeconomic factors, inflation that affect the financial sector and banking industry. I feel privileged enough to join the fund and have high expectations in the investment banking sector in the future. I hope more and more students join the fund and enhance their analytical and critical capabilities.” – Athanasios Tsanaktsidis

If any of you, whether Trainee or Senior, have anything you would like to share or add to next week’s newsletter, please feel free to reach out and message Management.

As always, thank you for your effort and participation!

Many Thanks,

LSMIF Management.